Octávio Franco
Universidade Catolica Dom Bosco/Universidade Catolica de Brasilia, , Brazil
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Graduate at Ciências Biológicas from Universidade Federal do Ceará (1998) and ph.d. at Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Universidade de Brasília (2001). Actually is head professor from Universidade Catolica Dom Bosco and Universidade Catolica de Brasilia,and researcher from CNPq. At the moment is consultor of CNPq, FAPEMIG, FINEP, FAPDF, FUNDCET, FAPEMA, FUNDECT, FUNCAP, CPP, FONCYT, CONICYT, FAPESB, FACEPE, Kazakistan government, BARD United States - Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, Austrian Science Fundation, Gates Foundation e National Science Foundation (NSF) US .Member of Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular (SBBq), The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Has experience in Biochemistry, proteomics and molecular modeling. Acting on the following subjects: antimicrobial peptides, immunomodulators, antifreezing and proteome of animals, plants and microorganisms. Also have his work focused on the development of bioproducts and bioprocesses. Published almost 300 articles in different international journals. Moreover, is also editor of Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Microbiology and participate as a board member of dozens of journals.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Influence of D-arg and D-lys on the structure and antibacterial activities of computer-made peptides (#348)
7:30 PM
Samilla B Rezende
Poster Session 2 - Wine Tasting