Christian Gruber
Medical University of Vienna, AUSTRIA, Austria
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Christian Gruber is research group leader and Associate Professor at the Medical University of Vienna (Austria). He studied Biochemistry at the University of Tübingen (Germany) and received a Ph.D. in Molecular Biosciences from The University of Queensland (Australia). The research focus of his team is to study biological function, structure-activity relationship and pharmacological mechanism of nature-derived peptides isolated from plants and invertebrates (e.g., peptide hormones, neuropeptides and peptide toxins), and the development of novel peptide therapeutics.
Other functions: He is Associate Editor of the British Journal of Pharmacology, Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Chief Scientific Advisor to the company Cyxone (Sweden), which is currently exploring a macrocyclic peptide for use in multiple sclerosis based on a patent portfolio from his research.
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