Mark Del Borgo
Monash University, VIC, Australia

Dr Del Borgo is a multidisciplinary research scientist with expertise in peptide chemistry, drug delivery, biomaterials and self-assembly. Dr Del Borgo’s main research focus throughout his career has been on the design and development of peptide-based ligands for a variety of GPCR targets. He has designed a range of ligands that have led to a number of patents and high-profile papers. Dr Del Borgo also made the initial discovery of the ability of peptides made from novel β-amino acids to spontaneously self-assemble into a range of fibres upon dissolution. This discovery has led to the development of these materials in a wide variety of applications including novel nano- and biomaterials. The synthesis of these materials will be the focus of the presentation.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Novel Peptides as Selective Affinity Labels of the AT2R (#307)
7:30 PM
Ivan O. Maslov
Poster Session 2 - Wine Tasting