Cedric Rentier — ASN Events

Cedric Rentier

Biotage Japan Ltd., JAPAN, Japan

  • This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Dr. Cédric Rentier received his double Ph.D. (Peptide Chemistry & Chemical Biology) in July 2015 from University of Cergy-Pontoise (France) and University of Florence (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Anna Maria Papini and Prof. Paolo Rovero, working on the synthesis of post-translationally modified peptides for autoimmune diseases diagnostics. In October 2015, he started working on myostatin inhibitory peptides in the laboratory of Prof. Yoshio Hayashi at the Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences as a post-doctoral fellow. He later obtained in October 2016 an Overseas Researcher fellowship from the Japanese Society for Promotion of Sciences, expanding his interests in molecular biology and peptide-protein interactions. In December 2016, he was awarded the Formal Chancellerie Prize “Louis Forest” from Paris Universities Chancellery for his doctoral work. Since December 2017 he is employed by Biotage Japan Ltd. – now serving as a Applications and Product Support Manager, in charge of the whole Drug Discoovery portfolio support for Japan and the Asia Pacific region.