Nonribosomal peptides in bacteria–host interactions — ASN Events

Nonribosomal peptides in bacteria–host interactions (#95)

Bo Li 1 , Jon B Patteson 1 , Camille M Fortinez 2 , Erinn M O'Neill 1 , T Martin Schmeing 2
  1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States
  2. Biochemistry and Centre de recherche en biologie structurale, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Bacteria synthesize diverse small peptides without the involvement of the ribosome. These peptides play essential roles in the chemical interactions between the producing bacteria and their eukaryotic hosts. This talk describes the identification and biosynthesis of unusual peptides, including di- and tri-peptides, which are produced by pathogenic bacteria. This work reveals unique biosynthetic enzymes and sheds light on microbe–host interactions that are important for virulence.
