The Orbitrap Astral – A Mass Spectrometry Paradigm Shift — ASN Events

The Orbitrap Astral – A Mass Spectrometry Paradigm Shift (#Omics7)

Frank Rooney 1
  1. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Scoresby, VIC, Australia

The Orbitrap ™ ASTRAL ™ is a combined synergy of a high-resolution quadrupole mass filter and the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap mass analyzer, this revolutionary new instrument — the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer — holds the potential to again provide a paradigm shift in mass spectrometry by allowing up to four times faster throughput, up to two times deeper proteome coverage and higher sensitivity all with the expected accurate and precise quantitation, giving researchers the power to analyze over 1.4 million protein groups from 180 samples in a single day.
