Development of one-pot/stepwise disulfide bond-forming reaction enabled by <em>S</em>-protected cysteine sulfoxide with its application to synthesis of insulin and its lipidated analogue — ASN Events

Development of one-pot/stepwise disulfide bond-forming reaction enabled by S-protected cysteine sulfoxide with its application to synthesis of insulin and its lipidated analogue (#252)

Kota Hidaka 1 , Daishiro Kobayashi 1 , Junya Hayashi 1 , Kento Ohkawachi 1 , Masaya Denda 1 , Akira Otaka 1
  1. Tokushima university, Tokushima, Not US or Canada, Japan

   We achieved the expeditious chemical synthesis of insulin using a one-pot/stepwise disulfide bond-forming reaction enabled by S-protected cysteine sulfoxides. The concept of using cysteine sulfoxides for disulfide formation has been witnessed over three decadesref. 1 , but their application to insulin synthesis has remained to be achieved. Recently, we found that the S-chlorocysteine resulting from an S-protected cysteine sulfoxide can participate in aromatic electrophilic substitution with the indole of tryptophan (Trp) to afford 2’-sulfenyl Trpref. 2 . This research has uncovered two facts indispensable for insulin synthesis as follows: (1) The p-methoxybenzyl (MBzl)-protected sulfoxide is converted to S-chlorocysteine in TFA in the presence of ammonium chloride while S-acetamidomethyl (Acm) becomes the chloride under less acidic conditions using MgCl2 in AcOH; (2) The resulting S-chlorocysteine can react with S-protected cysteines including Cys(Acm) and Cys(MBzl) to form disulfide bonds. These findings prompted us to achieve the insulin synthesis featuring one-pot/stepwise interchain disulfide bond formation using two pairs of protected cysteine and cysteine sulfoxide.   

   Finally, the stepwise disulfide formation for Trp-substituted insulin followed by the Trp-lipidation using the indole sulfenylation proceeded in a one-pot manner to yield the lipidated insulin analogue expected to severe as a long-acting insulin (Fig.1).

 64e86d0fab951-%E8%A6%81%E6%97%A8%E3%80%80PNG.pngFig.1 One-pot/stepwise native insulin and lipidated insulin analogue synthesis

  1. (a) N. Fujii et al. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1987, 1676-1678. (b) N. Fujii et al. J. Protein Chem. 1998, 7, 151-156.
  2. (a) D. Kobayashi et al. Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 14092-14099. (b) D. Kobayashi et al. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 1125–1130.