Poster Session 1 - Wine Tasting — ASN Events

Non-canonical amino acids as NMR probes to locate binding sites of ligands on large proteins (#201)

7:30 PM
Kasuni B Ekanayake

Understanding the SAR of a Novel Broad-Spectrum Antifungal (#202)

7:30 PM
Jun Xuan Ang

Genetic Encoding of 7-Aza-L-Tryptophan: Isoelectronic Substitution of a Single CH-Group in a Protein for a Nitrogen Atom (#203)

7:30 PM
Elwy H. Abdelkader

Ionic Liquid-Mediated Approach for the Synthesis of Site-Specific Thioether Conjugates (#204)

7:30 PM
Helal Abujubara

The Structural and Functional Role of Post-translational Modification in Mu Conotoxins (#205)

7:30 PM
Victoria Adegoke

Harnessing the Power of Photoinitiated Thiol–ene “click” Reaction for the Efficient Synthesis of S-Lipidated Collagen Model Peptide Amphiphiles (#206)

7:30 PM
C.J. Aguilar

Electrochemically enabled peptide backbone modifications (#208)

7:30 PM
Saurabh Kumar Ahirwar

Radiolabelled peptides targeting CXCR4 for cancer imaging and treatment (#209)

7:30 PM
Abdullah F Alosaimi

Cell penetrating peptides for the delivery of ASOs to the neural retina across rodents and NHPs  (#210)

7:30 PM
Mark Anastasas

Unveiling the nemertides: Uncovering novel peptide toxin families in ribbon worms, targeting VGSCs. (#211)

7:30 PM
Håkan Andersson

Synthesis of Sulfated Peptides Derived from Evasin Proteins from Ticks reveals Unique Biomimetic Binding to Chemokines (#212)

7:30 PM
Anthony Ayoub

Functionalised Peptides Show Absorption in the Stomach and Small Intestine and Potential Lymphatic Uptake (#213)

7:30 PM
Sanjeevini Babu Reddiar

From Hue to Health: Exploring Bioactive Peptides in Coloured Barley (#214)

7:30 PM
Mahya Bahmani

Integrated design of PLK1 modulatory peptide for cancer therapy (#215)

7:30 PM
Tabassum Khair Miss Barbhuiya

Natural product modulators of ClpC1 with overlapping binding sites have different impacts on the Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteome. (#216)

7:30 PM
Isabel Barter

Mechanically Interlocked Peptides via Passive-Metal Templation (#217)

7:30 PM
Hayden J Bell

Mimicking non-ribosomal peptides from the marine actinomycete streptomyces sp. H-KF8 lead to antimicrobial peptides (#218)

7:30 PM
Luisa Beyer

How do insect larvae survive on a plastic diet? A proteogenomics study (#219)

7:30 PM
Utpal Bose

A novel chemical approach for the site-specific cyclization of phage-displayed peptides (#220)

7:30 PM
Libby Brown

Understanding, intervening and tuning post-translational regulation of T cell immunoreceptors via chemical protein synthesis (#221)

7:30 PM
Yihui Cao

Development of Macrocyclic Peptide Inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis MurF by mRNA Display with Genetic Reprogramming (#222)

7:30 PM
Patrick Carlos

In vitro and in vivo studies of topoisomers of a snake venom-derived peptide with anti-infective and antitumoral activity (#223)

7:30 PM
Adam Carrera

Lasso grafted Cyclic Peptide Inhibitors of Coagulation Proteases as potential novel therapeutic leads (#224)

7:30 PM
Liam Cavley

Modelling peptide-receptor association using parallel cascade molecular dynamics simulations (#225)

7:30 PM
David Chalmers

Structural insights into the mechanism of peptide bivalency (#226)

7:30 PM
Theo Crawford

Bradykinin Receptor Inhibition Reduces Retinal Permeability in Rat Laser CNV Model (#227)

7:30 PM
James Daniel

Synergistic n→π* and nN→π*Ar Interaction in Controlling Polyproline Conformation with C-terminus Modification (#228)

7:30 PM
Paramesh Das

Biocompatible head-to-side chain peptide macrocyclisation using oxime ligation (#229)

7:30 PM
Lani J Davies

Deploying iminium chemistry for access to novel constrained residues: Opioid ligands as a case study (#230)

7:30 PM
Jolien De Neve

Structure-based drug design of macrocyclic peptides against neurotensin receptor 1 (#231)

7:30 PM
Lazarus Andrew de Zhang

Design and synthesis of peptide ligands targeting C5a receptor 2 (#232)

7:30 PM
Joshua Dent

Semisynthesis of mycobacterial lipoproteins (#233)

7:30 PM
Joshua Dilly

Bioinspired rapid non-ribosomal peptide macrocyclization (#234)

7:30 PM
Yaoyu Ding

Peptide Neurotoxins from Stinging Nettle ‘Venom’ (#235)

7:30 PM
Thomas Durek

The Development of Multifunctional Oligonucleotide Conjugates Using Native Chemical Ligation (#236)

7:30 PM
Daniel Engelhardt

Cyclic Peptide Inhibitors of Factor XIIα for the Treatment of Thrombotic Disease (#237)

7:30 PM
Dan Ford

Total Synthesis of Rufomycins (#238)

7:30 PM
Bryton Forster

Constitutive activity of the ghrelin receptor provides a dominant second-messenger switch to re-code dopamine D2 receptor output required for co-ordination of voluntary defecation. (#239)

7:30 PM
Sebastian G.B. Furness

Creation of enveloped viral replica equipped with spike protein derived from SARS-CoV-2 (#240)

7:30 PM
Hiroto Furukawa

Peptide-drug conjugates as a novel approach to antimalarial therapeutics (#241)

7:30 PM
Caitlin L Gare

Investigating the Biosynthesis of the Antimicrobial Peptide Lexapeptide. (#242)

7:30 PM
Emily Grant-Mackie

A 'Natural' Electrophilic Solution to Calm the Platelet Temper (#243)

7:30 PM
Ivy Guan

Improving oral bioavailability of therapeutic peptides (#244)

7:30 PM
Giuseppina Guida

Molecular grafting can generate bioactivities within the cyclic peptide PDP-23 (#245)

7:30 PM
Fatemeh H. Alipour

Development of Antiviral Cyclic Peptides Targeting the Main Protease of SARS-CoV-2 (#246)

7:30 PM
Kat Harrison

Development of oxidant free methodology for preparing N-glyoxylyl peptide and its apprications (#248)

7:30 PM
Junya Hayashi

Synthesis of covalent peptide inhibitors for CHIKV nsP2pro (#249)

7:30 PM
Junming He

First in class stabilized peptide inhibitors of human prolyl oligopeptidase (#250)

7:30 PM
Roland Hellinger

Insights into Activation of the C3a Receptor Through β-arrestin2 Selectivity and G Protein Specificity (#251)

7:30 PM
Rachel Heng

Development of one-pot/stepwise disulfide bond-forming reaction enabled by S-protected cysteine sulfoxide with its application to synthesis of insulin and its lipidated analogue (#252)

7:30 PM
Kota Hidaka

Modifying a hydroxyl patch in glucagon like peptide 1 produces biased agonists with unique signaling profiles (#253)

7:30 PM
Timothy A Hill

Design, Synthesis and evaluation of highly selective AT2R Agonists. (#254)

7:30 PM
Baydaa Seezar Hirmiz

Evaluation of Anti-Pancreatic Cancer Activities of DNA-Alkylating Peptides Specific for RUNX-Binding Sequence (#255)

7:30 PM
Yuki Hirose

Improvement in neutrophil recruitment and phagocytosis of resistant Staphylococcus aureus treated with antibiotic-chemoattractants (#256)

7:30 PM
Winfrey PY Hoo

Advancing gene cluster manipulation to harness epoxyketone-containing nonribosomal peptides biosynthesis (#257)

7:30 PM
Chuan Huang

Discovery of novel RaPID-derived macrocyclic peptide for blockade of the CD24-Siglec-10 interaction as a potential immune checkpoint inhibitor (#258)

7:30 PM
Wei-En Huang

Reactivation of the p53 pathway in cancer cells using a grafted cyclotide (#259)

7:30 PM
Yen-Hua Crystal Huang

Modifying Pasireotide Analogs for Improved Oral Delivery (#260)

7:30 PM
Celine Hung

Cyclic lipidated peptide inhibitors for cardiac endothelium targeting based on the C-terminal tail of Connexin43 (#261)

7:30 PM
Debora Iaculli

Design and synthesis of glycopeptides to examine the deglycosylating enzyme activities (#262)

7:30 PM
Haruka Inoue

Preparation and Immunological Evaluation of Nanoparticulate Self-adjuvanting Peptide Vaccines as  Breast Cancer Vaccine Candidates (#263)

7:30 PM
Keita Ito

Recombinant synthesis of human trefoil factor family 2 (hTFF2) protein (#264)

7:30 PM
Kirtikumar B. Jadhav

Development of gut-specific antibiofilm peptides to target mucosal biofilms in patients with gastrointestinal disorders (#265)

7:30 PM
Bernhard Jandl

Development of venom-derived peptides as gut-specific therapeutics to target mucosal biofilms in patients with gastrointestinal disorders   (#266)

7:30 PM
Bernhard Jandl

Phage display identified Sertoli and Leydig cell homing peptides for drug delivery to testis (#267)

7:30 PM
Yugandhara Jirwankar

Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Peptoid Incorporated Collagen-Mimetic Peptides (#268)

7:30 PM
Debajit Kalita

Improving the throughput and scalability of expressed protein ligation via flow chemistry (#269)

7:30 PM
Lucas Kambanis

Assessing the antifungal activity of Latarcin-1 derived peptide LDP-NLS against Mucorales. (#270)

7:30 PM
Gagan Kaur

Manoeuvring in silico approach in designing a novel marine-derived peptide (#271)

7:30 PM
Prasanjeet Kaur

Development of a Novel Cytosolic Delivery Peptide with Attenuated Cytotoxicity and Enhanced Endosomal Uptake   (#272)

7:30 PM
Yoshimasa Kawaguchi

Characterisation of a short, glycosylated peptide from yeast; Seripauperin 5 (#273)

7:30 PM
Zan Kelly

The ant venom peptide, Ta3a, modulates the biophysical properties of voltage-gated sodium channels (#274)

7:30 PM
Angelo Keramidas

Isolation and characterization of cyclotides from Viola communis and comparative transcriptome analysis with Viola odorata (#275)

7:30 PM
Negin Khatibi

Protein tryptophan modification enabled by using S-protected cysteine sulfoxide under mild acid conditions (#276)

7:30 PM
Daishiro Kobayashi

Salty peptide derived from the sweetness loops of sweet-tasting protein (#277)

7:30 PM
Kwang-Hoon Kong

Conformation control of bicyclic peptides using 1,2,3-TBMB as a linker (#278)

7:30 PM
Haritha Krishna Sudhakar

New semi-synthetic technologies for accessing post-translationally modified proteins (#279)

7:30 PM
Sameer S. Kulkarni

Marrying Activity with Permeability. Towards Orally Bioavailable Somatostatin Peptide Therapeutics (#280)

7:30 PM
Travis Lay

PEP27-2, a Potent Antimicrobial Cell-Penetrating Peptide, Reduces Skin Abscess Formation during Staphylococcus aureus Infections in Mouse When Used in Combination with Antibiotics (#281)

7:30 PM
Hayoung Lee

Comparative Antimicrobial Activity of Hp1404 Peptide and Its Analogs against Acinetobacter baumannii. (#282)

7:30 PM
Yeeun Lee

Chemical modification of antimicrobial peptides (#283)

7:30 PM
Wenyi Li

Rational design of membrane active antimicrobials against multi-drug resistant Gram negative bacteria (#284)

7:30 PM
Kai Yi Eldeen Lim

Unraveling the pathology and propagation mechanism of phosphorylation-regulated α-synuclein in α-synucleinopathies (#285)

7:30 PM
Yeh-Jun Lim

Lipidation of Kv1.3 blocking peptide HsTX1[R14A] alters its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution to target tissues (#286)

7:30 PM
Lihuan (Ada) Lin

An Aza-Michael Route to Quaternary Ammonium Compounds and its Application to Antimicrobial Peptides (#287)

7:30 PM
Rolland Lin

Screpyard: an online resource for disulfide-stabilised tandem repeat peptides (#288)

7:30 PM
Junyu Liu

Membrane-Active Bakuchiol Based Peptidomimetics as Effective Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial Agents (#289)

7:30 PM
Shouping Liu

Synthesis of Mandarin Fish Ranavirus (MFRV) - viral insulin/IGF-like peptide (#290)

7:30 PM
Marta Lubos

Regulation of liquid-liquid phase separation with focus on post-translational modifications (#291)

7:30 PM
Yunyi Luo

Prediction of membrane permeation by drugs (#292)

7:30 PM
Weishuai Ma

Electrochemical Modification of Polypeptides at Selenocysteine (#293)

7:30 PM
Angus Mackay

Development of the novel pesticides removing recombinant bacterial strain by displaying the specific binding peptide (#294)

7:30 PM
Soonho Hong

In silico identification of key residues in ShKT peptides responsible for modulating dynamics and affinity for the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 (#341)

7:30 PM
Viktor Prypoten