Virus-directed enzyme prodrug therapy — ASN Events

Virus-directed enzyme prodrug therapy (#362)

Polly Sun 1 , Margaret Brimble 1 , Iman Kavianinia 1 , Alan Cameron 1
  1. University of Auckland, Auckland Central, New Zealand
Publish consent withheld
  1. McCarthy, C.; Jayawardena, N.; Burga, L. N.; Bostina, M. Developing picornaviruses for cancer therapy. Cancers 2019, 11 (5), 685.
  2. Cao, G.-d.; He, X.-b.; Sun, Q.; Chen, S.; Wan, K.; Xu, X.; Feng, X.; Li, P.-p.; Chen, B.; Xiong, M.-m. The oncolytic virus in cancer diagnosis and treatment. Frontiers in Oncology 2020, 10, 1786.
  3. Jayawardena, N.; Burga, L. N.; Easingwood, R. A.; Takizawa, Y.; Wolf, M.; Bostina, M. Structural basis for anthrax toxin receptor 1 recognition by Seneca Valley Virus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2018, 115 (46), E10934-E10940.